Lauantaina onkin sitten spanieliliiton päänäyttely. Sinne olen sitten menossa ihan koiratta, ajattelin, että jos sukulaiskoiria näkyisi, niin voisi pari kuvaa napata. Launataina sitten laitan tänne, jos siellä mielenkiintoisia koiruuksia esiintyy:)
There is a gog show in HYvinkää at saturday. I am going there with out a dog, I hoped that there would be relative dogs so I could take a couple of picctures. At saturday I maeby but pictures here, if some interesting dogs will be shown:)
There is a gog show in HYvinkää at saturday. I am going there with out a dog, I hoped that there would be relative dogs so I could take a couple of picctures. At saturday I maeby but pictures here, if some interesting dogs will be shown:)